Empathy In A Challenging Time
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected societies and individuals across different socio-economic divide, with many people losing their source of livelihood. Without any means of earning a living and with majority of Nigerians living below the poverty line, corporate organisations and individuals are taking responsibility by catering for the needs of the underprivileged, and working to reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on majority of the population.
As development consultants, empathy is at the forefront of our work, and throughout the lifecycle of projects or programs, we will have to listen to project beneficiaries so we are able to provide services that can genuinely address their reality. Without empathy, comprehending a society’s needs will be futile. The common language that brings development expert and community leaders to a discussion table is empathy – the understanding that people’s lives could be better if certain structures are in place, the shared belief that a problem exists that needs to be solved, and the common resolve to address this problem by any means possible. It is this shared empathy that makes communities adopt a project as theirs, and which invariably contributes to the sustainability of a project or initiative.
Implementing a relief program during this challenging time is borne out of empathy for people who are in a disadvantaged situation, and whose plight will be greatly impacted by the pandemic. In line with the need help those gravely affected by the pandemic, we are embarking on a campaign to provide relief to 200 families of widows and persons living with disabilities in Lagos state, Nigeria. This group of Nigerians find themselves in the category of people with an urgent need for relief during this hard time, and it is vital to help as many as possible.
Our approach recognizes that many people are looking for ways to make individual impact in this period but do not know the best approach to implement. Therefore, we arrived at a conclusion, after much deliberation, that the best way to involve as many well-meaning Nigerians as possible to achieve this cause is by crowdfunding. The campaign is expected to improve the plight of widows and people living with disability, and also give them a message of hope, care and love from Nigerians.
If you want to help provide relief for 200 families of widows and people living with disability in Nigeria, please make a donation to:
Account name: VS Management & Consulting
Bank Name: Zenith Bank PLC
Account No: 1017077445
Or to https://paystack.com/pay/vsmcreliefoutreach
All received donations will be duly accounted and reported on our website. Kindly contact Adeyemi on +2348035321522 or send an email to info@vsmconsulting.ng for inquiries.